Saturday 28 December 2013


A message from Mercy Johnson Okojie

2013 has been an incredible year year for me. I couldn't ask for more. It is one year I wont forget in a hurry.

My fans were amazing. They stood by me and took on my fight. The critics played their parts too. I took the
constructive ones, made adjustment and became a better person.

How can i forget 2013 the year i had the honour of being the most searched Nollywood actress for the third consecutive year. I am most grateful to the fans who worked the keyboard or keypad reading about me online.

I am grateful to my team, the media and management company. Bigsam Media that became like sponge, wiping away the negative past and soaking in the future. I am most grateful.

In 2014, there will be new direction for brand, keep your fingers crossed while God and my team work out the magic.

Merry Christmas and happy new year.
Mercy Johnson Okojie.

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