Saturday 28 December 2013


The Police in Lagos said it has arrested a 36 year old man who allegedly raped and impregnated his 14 year old daughter. The Public Relations Officer in the state, DSP Ngozi Braide, made this known when she briefed newsmen in Ikeja on Friday. Braid said that the girl has been pregnant for the past two months and the man claim to be bewitched.

She added that the mother of the girl divorced her father two years ago. Braide added that the matter was reported at the Meiran Police Station of the area 'M' Police Command.

The victim told newsmen that her father brought a native doctor who convinced her that sex was part of the treatment to cure her undisclosed sickness before she was raped.

"My father gives me native soap and sponge probably for ritual bath always.

He once entered the bathroom with me and had sex with me forcefully.

He took me to bed several times forcefully in his room and when i refused, he threatened me with a knife.

Since then, he had been making love to me under the guise that i will be cured", she said.

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